We love to hear from you for general inquires i.e booking times and prices.
Be you a company doing events or just a general member of the public who want to hire it . It is all possible.
As well as events in Burton we have a lot of involvement in the paranormal. With our you tube channel Scary true ghost stories telling ghost stories from all over the world. Our facebook page Burto Ghost walks paranormal events Our face book groups Scary true ghost stories,pictures and all things paranormal . We also have our instagram page for all the pictures of ghost caught by the general public.
As well as our social media involvement we have written and run events at other venues . How it all began with the Burton Ghost Walk tells of how we have done this in the past. i.e ran shugborough hall paranormal events.The museum of brewing in Burton upon Trent. We also ran a event in a live hotel and even a shopping precinct.
The team for the walks and paranormal events are made up of several types of dedicated individuals.These include the walk guides and supporting staff. The paranormal teams include paranormal historian,support staff and professional psychics.
As well as working on the events the psychics spend a lot of their free time helping people with issues. Including haunting possessions etc.They are glad to help you so if you contact us we can pass your details on to them .
So please do use the form below with your inquiry. for all of the above things not just a general inquiry. Or alternatively ring us on 07810391038 or email chris@burtonghostandhistorywalk.co.uk