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Burton on Trent ghost walk was set up in 2000 by myself and my wife Tracey. We went on the famous York ghost walk.  Inspired by going on the walk we decided to make are own. So we started our research collecting ghost stories cross references with history. Psychics walked around the first walk asking for spiritual approval.

After we had gathered this information we had to write and produce the walk and then recruit a cast. We where also worried about the legal side of things i.e. crowd sizes in public areas etc. So approached the council about this who gave us advice but also introduced us to York ghost walk who mentored us in the writing of the script .


We did our first walk with the guide Arthur Pint in the Autumn of 2000. There was a lot of ghosts and wrote are second walk the washland walk shortly afterwards. This followed with the pub walk and history walk.

Our ability spread for writing and producing walks and we were asked to write and run the then museum of brewing walk a year later. Shortly after this where asked to run the paranormal events at Shughborough hall for Staffordshire county council. We also have written walks in a hotel,shows in two pubs and also a private club and a shopping precinct.


As well as all of the above it is little known that we did have our own paranormal team and sent the first teams into Alton towers and Lichfield jail to name a few.

We have worked with most haunted,Derek Accorah and Richard Felix and other TV people and celebrities.

We currently now have our own you tube channel and various other social media groups to do with the paranormal

To find out more about us and the walks etc please do contact us .